Shipping Information

Free shipping on all orders over $75
Enter code “FREE75” at checkout

$7.99 shipping for orders under $75

Shipping rates are for any orders placed within the United States.
(excludes Alaska and Hawaii)
International orders are not available at this time.

Please contact us with any questions.

Refund Policy

You have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return. To be eligible, the item must be in the same condition that you received it, unused and in original packaging.

To start a return, please contact us. Please include your order number, included on your digital receipt. If accepted, we will then send you a return shipping label, as well as shipping. You must request a refund by contacting us first. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted. If requesting an exchange, please include the item that you’d prefer.

We will notify you once we’ve received and inspected your return. If approved, you’ll be automatically refunded on your original payment method. It can take up to 5+ business days for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund.

Payment Methods accepts the following forms of payment:
Visa (credit and debit cards), MasterCard (credit and debit cards), American Express, Discover, Diner's Club, JCB, and Apple Pay.

Privacy Policy

This "Privacy Policy" describes how we collect and use your information through a variety of digital means. By accessing or using this website on any computer, mobile phone, tablet, console or other device (collectively, "Device"), you consent to our Privacy Policy. may modify this Privacy Policy at any time and the changes will be effective when the revised policy is posted here.


Information we collect from you may include, but is not limited to, your name, image, birth date, email and physical address, telephone number, social media information and profile, location (GPS) information, activity and performance information, and when necessary to make a purchase, credit card information.

We may automatically collect information regarding your interaction with, and use of, our website. Information we may collect includes, but is not limited to, your telephone number, Device identifier and hardware information, IP address, browser type and language, cookie information, system type, whether you have enabling software to access certain features, access times, referring website URLs, information about your purchases and other information about your interactions with us. automatically collects information within our website or stored by your browser or Device. We use a variety of methods to collect this information, including, but not limited to, cookies and pixel tags/web beacons ("Collection Tools").

Most browsers offer instructions on how to manage, control, and delete cookies in the Help section of the toolbar. You can also manually delete cookies from your computers. If you turn off certain Collection Tools, you may not have access to features that make your experience more efficient and some of our services and features may not function properly. Note that our websites may not recognize or respond to Do Not Track (DNT) headers from web browsers.


We may use your information to do the following:

- Enhance, customize and personalize your experiences and communications

- Operate, provide, improve and maintain our services, including analyzing user behavior

- Send you administrative messages and other information. Communicate with you about your purchase or customer service

- Communicate with you about our products and for other promotional purposes

- Administer contests, promotions, events or other features

- Display relevant marketing to you


We do not sell, rent, or share your personal information to third parties, except as disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

We may transfer your information to Stable Step's service providers to conduct our business. For example, they may handle credit card processing, information analysis, and promotions.

We may disclose information upon governmental request, in response to a court order, when required by law, to enforce our policies, or to protect our or others' rights, property or safety. We may also share information with companies assisting in fraud protection or investigation.


This privacy policy was posted and is effective as of 6/1/2022. It was last updated on 6/1/2022. We may change or add to this privacy policy over time, so please check periodically for updates.